Our Mission
A Christian Community collaborating with parents and students to equip future leaders through a unique Classical Education.
- Christian community. The lordship of Jesus Christ and the glory of God permeate every aspect of Paideia Classical School. Beginning with piety (virtue) in the youngest students to the crowning study of theology and philosophy with the oldest, our studies and our teachers instruct with a Biblical worldview.
- Collaborating with parents and students. Parents who enroll in Paideia Classical School retain their distinction as home educating families. Parents are the final authority, give final grades, create transcripts, and bestow diplomas. Staff members give input to assist parents in making accurate and objective evaluations.
- Equip future leaders. Paideia Classical School recognizes five aspects of a complete education that will produce culture changers in the next generation. We integrate the following areas into every aspect of our program.
- Academics
- Leadership
- Spiritual Development
- Culture and the Arts
- Community and Fellowship
- Through a unique classical education. Paideia Classical School encompasses the classical “trivium,” which is divided into the classical categories of Grammar, Dialectic, and Rhetoric. The program emphasizes the humanities, the study of languages, logic, rhetoric, literature, the arts, and the sciences.
Our Goals For Our Studies
- Strive for excellence in all pursuits, diligently accomplishing each task.
- Speak and write persuasively with wisdom and kindness.
- Read deeply, reason truthfully and rigorously.
- Engage in the “great conversation” and in a lifelong pursuit of learning.
- Diligently work to master the primary academic disciplines, including a thorough grasp of the languages, history, geography, art, music, literature, poetry, writing, Latin, mathematics and the sciences.
- See the fourteen ideas and God’s master design in all studies.
Our Goals For Our Lives
- Love the Lord with all our hearts and love our neighbor as ourselves.
- Are firmly planted in the body of Christ.
- Honor our family with our words and deeds.
- Seek what is good, beautiful, and true.
- Leave people and places better than we found them.
- Communicate effectively and persuasively showing a love for what is good, beautiful and true.
- Engage in deep, meaningful friendships that glorify God and honor others.
- Seek leisurely pursuits that enrich our body and soul.
- Lead with equity, honor and virtue.
- Courageously pursue changing culture by leading in truth.